I’m really pleased with how this turned out! The latest PupperPost beta includes a new theme editor, so you can make your blog your own! Here’s some details about that: https://pupperpost.pupper.blog/2024/04/create-your-own-themes
I got chills! https://www.threads.net/@meidastouch/post/C6JrSYnPRJm
Ugh, I have to wait two full weeks to hear about new iPads? Got my fingers crossed for a new iPad Air and AirPods Pro; both are on their last legs here. https://mastodon.social/@macrumors/112320955657190375
Found this old 27-inch display laying around and thought… maybe? (Probably won’t last long LOL)
Wife just referred to my PLA filament as “3D yarn” and… yeah, that totally checks out.
If I open this Coke Zero can, am I going to release some feral spirit trying to get out? 👀
It's true! Hail Mary is getting a movie! OMGOMGOMG https://www.worldofreel.com/blog/2024/2/2/bpu66s7p14quw70kd87fmlow3nepe0
It’s cool to learn that, while Humane’s Ai Pin is a total failure as a product, the thing it’s actually trying to do might eventually make it super-compelling! https://www.theverge.com/24126502/humane-ai-pin-review
What’s the last piece of technology that really lit you up? I’m struggling to think of something launched in the last five years that really excited me.
Come down to Starbucks if you’re the captain of an all-Vulcan Federation ship and looking for an ass-kicking.
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