New day, new App Review rejection. Apparently we’re not allowed to post images to social networks, despite using APIs from those network to do just that. #wtf
iPhone Mirroring on Sequoia though? Getting iPhone notifications on the Mac? This freaking slaps.
The new app has been In Review for 8 hours and counting. Fingers crossed we can launch tonight, and I can enjoy a nice buttery croissant! 🥐 #IfYouKnowYouKnow
I hate Apple so much right now.
New app stuck in Waiting for Review since Saturday afternoon. Normal iOS release weekend traffic jam, or should I pull and resubmit? 🤔
Is it just me, or does the iOS Keychain no longer work on iOS 18 in the simulator?
This looks super-compelling to me. I never liked the style and taste of Android, but in Desktop Mode it really feels better.
Wow, now I wish I had watched the debate last night. Sounds like Harris just demolished that lying POS.
This new tri-folding phone is a remarkable piece of hardware. I’d love to see a version of this running iOS!
Here’s the thing with pre-recorded video: all these people coming up to explain different elements, and each one is a goddamn animated transition to a different location. C’mon, just give us the info, we’re at 90 minutes and counting here