June 4, 2024
Steering Clear of Bartender

Bartender for Mac Oh dear.

Turns out one of my best-used apps on my Mac, Bartender, has changed owners.

This apparently happened a couple months ago! The previous developer, Ben Surtees, appears to have sold the app to new buyers.

Software sales happen from time to time. We have a recent example, actually: Castro, the well-regarded podcast app for iOS, was sold to a new developer. The handoff was done with clear, open communication about who the new owner is, and what their intentions are with the app. I think it gave long-standing users comfort to know that their app would continue to be supported and grow.

But that’s a different picture from Bartender’s case. The new owners have not identified themselves. The product’s blog has some pretty suss-looking content on it. The current situation doesn’t engender a great deal of faith in the long-term prospects for Bartender!

And it’s worth pointing out that any app that comes from an untrusted developer… should not be trusted.

I’m removing Bartender from my Mac. I’m going to give Vanilla another look!

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