June 14, 2024
I’m not going to prevaricate here: I’ve long been in the bag for Canada’s federal Liberal Party. I give them money every month to split between my local riding and the federal party. And I was elated when Justin Trudeau became our Prime Minister back in 2015. But my affections have waned over the last nine years. Trudeau’s proven to be an incredibly divisive figure in Canadian politics; even now ... [Read More]
Craig Federighi said if you don’t like iPadOS, buy an Android. I wonder how long before something really innovative appears… like this? https://ca.starlabs.systems/pages/starlite
I am totally on board @stroughtonsmith’s comment here, that Apple has no plans to make iPadOS a more-powerful system. It’s a shame! https://mastodon.social/@stroughtonsmith/112616287016197900 Here’s where Craig and Joz shit on iPad (IMO) in The Talk Show: https://overcast.fm/+B7NASAdls/58:47
My number one social pet peeve: people using their phone speakers in public. It used to just be boomers, but now I see kids doing it too. And they don’t like being asked to stop. (NYT gift link here). https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/13/style/headphones-phone-etiquette.html?unlocked_article_code=1.zk0.vAEk.zyefO_rn7RPF&smid=url-share
Of all the individual videos and articles I’ve read about Swift concurrency, this one really helped me nail down practical solutions to specific problems. https://code.kiwi.com/articles/swift-5-10-concurrency-survival-guide/
Well. I’ve gone from ⚠️ 278 to ⚠️ 61 on Swift 6 strict concurrency warnings in PupperPost. It’s starting to all make sense, but I have a fair bit of head-scratching still to do...
So, how long does Swift 5 language mode stay available in Xcode? 👀
Oh yeah, you can pre-order Apple Vision Pro in Canada now! Let’s just see how much that’s gonna cost… slams Safari window shut so hard that glass shatters at Apple Park
Just a followup for the curious: it appears Kuba was using this breadboard power supply in that embedded Swift talk. https://ca.robotshop.com/products/mego-4-24v-breadboard-dc-rechargeable-power-supply
Sad to learn Big Nerd Ranch is going full-agency. I wouldn’t be here now if not for their books. https://bignerdranch.com/blog/finding-new-pastures-big-nerd-ranchs-next-chapter/
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